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Study Skills are Life Skills

By JoAnn Whitlow

I learned very early in my teaching career that what teachers were asking students to do was not enough. Teachers had to do more than hand out work. I started compiling and teaching children "How" to do the work I assigned. I also began to build on this with organizational skills, listening skills and the use of resources, to mention a few. I have done numerous workshops on "Study Skills" in the United States, NESA conferences, Peak conference, many schools I have worked at while in Kuwait, and workshops for parents. This work has shown itself in many of my students I have taught. They are now lawyers, architects, engineers, teachers, and more. I am proud to have been a part of their learning and they have not forgotten me and my methods. Study Skills are life skills that will be used over and over again throughout a student's educational career as well as their personal and working lives. My passion of spreading information about "Study Skills" is still going on. I am still doing workshops for teachers and for parents. I also continue to teach them in my classroom and pass them on to my colleagues that are on my team.

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