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Different Perspective


Tell us a bit about your background:

My name is Sajida, from Jordan. My teaching experience is 11 years all of them in Kuwait. Some of my favorite hobbies are drawing, swimming, listening to music, and cooking. In my leisure time, I love reading short stories and books related to our life.

Tell us one moment from your teaching experience that was particularly powerful, interesting, or funny:

When I explain some topics to the students in the classroom and, the most important ones are those which are connected to our daily life, discussions start and they end up taking us to another path of topics. A good example of this is when I explained to gr.9 students the Hydrosphere and salt and fresh water proportions around the globe. The discussion was directed to the importance of the Hydrosphere and that the fresh water ratio is too little. This developed into further discussion about the importance of preserving water. Discussions in my class don’t focus on one thing, they always lead us to various topics.

My goals for the current school year:

- Help students to reach success.

- Raising the level of the students in the following aspects ;(Interpretation -analysis - comparison connectedness - reasoning - extracting facts and making conclusions).

- Integration with other subjects to make learning easier for the student.

- Using modern and advanced methods to teach the curriculum (such as technology - Tribes).

Some of the teaching strategies that I use:

-Grouping students. (#4)

- Organizing students’ collective discussion directed by the teacher. (#3)

- Cooperative learning.

- Research to explore and extract facts.

Educational websites:

Kuwait MOE:

AL- Kharj Educational Channel:


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